Categories / Tags

Atlassian Jira

All posts about Atlassian Jira, the planning, tracking and support tool for software development and ITSM teams.

Cloudflare Access

All posts about Cloudflare Access, the Zero Trust solution to modernize application security.


All posts about gaming-related topics and concepts.


All posts about important changes regarding this site.


All posts about PaperCut, the print management software that’s helping hundreds of millions of people around the globe to minimize waste while having a secure and easy printing experience.

Reddit AMA

All posts about archived conversations on Reddit, which took place in a subreddit post and to which I contributed a solution or answer (with the u/MasterofSynapse handle), in a Q&A format.

Request for Change

Posts detailing suggestions to code repositories, documentations and other official resources for archiving purposes, or, because they didn't get implemented (yet).

Right to Repair

All posts about Right to Repair, the global initiative to reduce waste by repairing defective items we own.


All posts about Shopify, the all-in-one commerce platform to start, run, and grow a business.

Smart Home

All posts about Smart Homes and home automation. Smart home will monitor and/or control home attributes such as lighting, climate, entertainment systems, home security and appliances.

Tech Salvation

All posts about general technical explanations, guides and troubleshooting assistance.


All posts about Webdock, the service provider housing the next generation of virtual private servers.