r/CloudFlare: Setting up cloudflared with docker-compose- thougth.

This article archives a conversation, which took place in a subreddit post (original source linked below) and to which I contributed a solution or answer (with the u/MasterofSynapse handle), in a Q&A format.

Original Reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/CloudFlare/comments/y8ydwf/setting_up_cloudflared_with_dockercompose_thougth/


I’m planning on setting up cloudflared using Docker-compose, would it be an idea to have all the services I want external connectivity to, in the same docker-compose and utilized the internal Docker network? Extra layer of security or an I fooling myself?


I would always recommend configuring your cloudflared instance through the web dashboard. But yes, of course you can use the internal Docker network. the cloudflared instance only has to be able to physically reach the service you want to connect to. Everything else doesn't matter.